Tuesday 25 October 2011

Cruel World

Cruel World.......
- by Taruna

If you want to live your life happily...,
So do not trust anyone so easily...!

The hurting words of our love ones...,
act nothing less than a weapon...,
They break you internally...,
and take you into the emotional prison...!

This world is cruel we have to accept this fact...,
Else you will be disappointed to know this world's tact...!

Do not forget that you are an idividual personality...,
You will definately stand again if you gather all your ability...!

I want to give you a simple suggestion...,
Life is uncertain so quit all your expectations...!

People are not what they appear to be...,
At an unfortunate situation...,
Their unvisualised face you will see...!

Do not trust them...,
if they say, whenever you need me i'll be there for you..,
Soon you will realise..,
just like an animal you are trapped in a zoo...!

Satan is the one who is controlling over world's mind...,
They see everything..but pretend to be blind...!

Never think you are out of trouble...,
after being heard few words of relief..,
They will stay with you forever, now its just a belief...!

They are not as selfless as they act...,
you will get shocked to see...,
How they plot against you , behind your back...!

No matter how strong you are...,
life will make you cry...,
When you want to shed your tears...,
you find them dry...!

Do not let anybody know your weakness...,
even if they are your lovely friends...,
One day they will betray you..,
and get changed just as trends...!

Another challenge waits for us..,
while we feel relaxed...,
People get melted from thier goodness...,
as they are statue of wax...!

This world is not just a shadow, but itself a Devil..,
They would not do anything beneficial to you but Evil...!

Build yourself up in such a way..,
that people consider you as Trustworthy..,
Even if they have prooved to be Unworthy...!

Sooner or later you will realise...,
This life is filled with unwanted surprise...!

I have come to know ,not even a single thing is mine...
At the end i have to go into the world of divine...!


1 comment:

  1. Its full of pessimism...The first blog should not have started like this....try to see the positive reflections of life...U have to find those faces....All the best..Keep writing...
